Contact EI3JDB

To contact me, send email to blog (at) this domain name. I should get that OK.

I use Mastodon

I upload logs on and

I'm also active in the Online Amateur Radio Community as well as the Mayo Radio Experimentors Network, which is my local club.

And, of course, you might be able to find me on air. At present I mostly use HF. In 2024 I'm trying to complete 366 voice QSOs, so I'll be happy to make one with you!

Since this server is located in GDPR-land, you should know that I am a person, not an organisation. This website doesn't track users, it only logs accesses along with IP addresses. The only reason I might get personal data about you is if you communicate it to me — for example, you email me details about yourself. If you don't want to do that, please don't.